
2008-05-11 1:22 am
You are John, the chairperson of the Sports Club. You need to write a feature article about the annual Sports Day for the school newsletter.

Write about what happened and how you felt about it in approximately 150 words. You can use the following notes you jotted during the Sports Day to help you write your article. Remember to write a title for the article.

Key point (作這篇文的資料) :
.2 school records broken:
1. Jackson Mark (F.4D) won 5 gold medals (previous record = 4 medals)
2. James Cheung (F.3C), 11.02s for 100-metre race (0.25s faster than old record)

.Teacher-student relay, 4X100 metre - Mr Chan won with 3 students (F.7B)
.Parent-student relay, 4X100 metre - Louis Kau (F.5B) and his father won gold
.A cheerleading competition. Winning class - 3B (dressed as pirates!)

1. 請不要從網上找尋一篇照抄給我
2. 請不要叫我自己做/do it yourself....我識作就不用在這裡問你吧
3. 請緊記必須替此文作一個題目
4. 若你真的有心幫我....我保證必定給你最佳回答


回答 (1)

2008-05-11 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Title: Dedicated Students Analysis

That was a lovely day for the annual sports day this year. In this year, two school records have been broken by Jackson Mark from F.4D and James Cheung from F.3C. Both students did amazedly well.
Jackson Mark won 5 medals, who was better than the previous record keeper who got 4 medals. Given that, perhaps Jackson has put lots of effort before the sports events. Good work Jackson!
Although James Cheung did not get as many medals as Jackson, his dedicated running has shown us that his results of 11.02 sec in 100 metres race, that broke the record by 0.25 sec.
I have also seen the participation of teachers, parents and students. They did a great job in those relay events. I guess these were all motivated by those cheerleading students. Thank you everyone, and especially thanks for the cheerleading competition winning class - 3B.
I hope I can tell more exciting things to you in next year.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 09:41:31
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