organic farming

2008-05-10 10:40 pm
What is the definition of a organic farmland?
What is the size, scale, temperature, rainfall, soil, labour, technology needed ?

Developing in Hong Kong is suitable or not?

I need these information for my geo. project, please answer......
Thank you!

回答 (2)

2008-05-11 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Farmers do not depend on chemical fertilizers and pesticides to grow crops.They do research to analyze various processes of farming , the natural environment and the characteristics of crops grown and the organic fertilizers that can be used.

2. Farm size and scale are varied.Organic farmland must carry out fallowing and crop rotation and some farmlands may not be used at a moment. Also,they need to feed the animals and their wastes can be used.Moreover, they need some plants (廠房) to handle the animal waste and change them into the fertilizers.Large piece of land may occupy but farmers can buy the materials they needed.

Temperature and rainfall can be ignored and these factors depend on which crops you grown.They can apply irrigation system and greenhouses.

Soil quality must be high because it cannot apply for any chemical fertilizers.So, fallowing and crop rotation must be used.

Labour is needed in large quantity. Most of the work need labour to do

Technology may not be advanced.Simple tools are used. Less fuel is needed.
Also,chilli and spring onion are grown to keep away the pests because of strong smell.

3.Suitable.Almost all of the vegetables imported from the mainland.The HK farmers have to face a keen competition with the imported products. Therefore, they needed to grow the organic products to develop the new markets for them. Organic products can sell at a higher prices and people is more concerned about their diet.Also, the government support the organic farmland by establishing the three laboratory farms in New Territories.
Farmers can carry out small scale organic farming.
2008-05-10 10:52 pm
I do not know

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