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2008-05-10 5:18 pm
Titor claimed that the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics would be proven correct. If this scientific hypothesis is disproved it will falsify his claims. However, since he says histories 'diverge' his historical predictions cannot be used to prove or disprove his story. (Although they may make it more or less plausible.) Any claim, which is not necessarily true in all possible futures, cannot be used to falsify his origination in a future different from ours. For instance, Titor refused to answer any of the (frequent) requests for sports result predictions; he gave several reasons for this, one of which said that since his memories were of a divergent timeline, there would be no guarantee of the same outcome in our future.

2 Titor claimed that his time travel device utilized 6 caesium based atomic clocks, which are accurate to 1 part in 1015. However, on May 23 2005, researchers in Japan announced the creation of a new atomic clock using strontium atoms trapped in an optical lattice, which is accurate to 1 part in 1018. Titor says that to minimize 'worldline divergence' the most accurate atomic clock are preferred, which is hard to reconcile with the use of now 'obsolete' caesium-clock technology. This may be the first anachronism that undermines the credibility of the Titor story, although the actual precision of the clocks in the C204 (and C206) are not specified, and may exceed both of these in accuracy. (A research program capable of developing time travel might have superior time-keeping technology, and Titor says that his caesium clocks are actively

回答 (1)

2008-05-10 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Titor 聲稱量子力學的許多世界解釋會是被證明的正確的。如果這個科學假說被反駁它將弄虛他的要求。但是, 因為他說歷史' 分流' 他的歷史預言無法使用證明或反駁他的故事。(雖然他們也許使它更或較不振振有詞。) 任何要求, 不一定是真實的在所有可能的未來, 無法使用弄虛他的首創在未來與我們的不同。例如, Titor 拒絕回答任何(頻繁) 請求為體育結果預言; 他給了這的幾個原因, 其中之一說因為他的記憶是分歧時間安排, 有會是同樣結果的沒有保證在我們的未來。 2 Titor 聲稱他的時間旅行設備運用了6 個銫基於的原子鐘, 1015 年是準確的對1 份。但是, 在2005 年5月23 日, 研究員在日本宣佈了一個新原子鐘的創作使用鍶原子被困住在光學格子, 1018 年是準確的對1 份。Titor 認為那使' worldline 分歧減到最小' 最準確的原子鐘更喜歡, 是困難和解以對現在的用途' 廢棄' 銫時鐘技術。這也許是破壞Titor 故事的可信度的第一時代錯誤, 雖然時鐘的實際精確度在C204 (和C206) 不被指定, 並且也許超出這兩準確性。(A 研究方案能開發時間旅行也許有優越time-keeping 技術, 並且Titor 認為他的銫時鐘活躍地是

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