Canadian University

2008-05-10 1:35 pm
1. University of Western Ontario
- Finance and administration
2. University of Waterloo
- Accounting and financial management (coop)
3. Queens University
- Commerce
4. University of Toronto (St. George/ Mis)
- Commerce
- Commerce and finance

I got accepted by the above universities. Difficult to decide.

Please compare from various aspects.

回答 (5)

2008-05-10 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本人是Mcmaster 畢業的, 個人應為, Queens University 係最"變態"的, 因為我識一些人, 原本個中國已經係數學好勁, 90 平均分的,攞奬學金供佢去讀, 但去到Queens University都只係得60分左右, 你要有心理準備會讀到好灰. University of Toronto (St. George/ Mis) 呢間我個妹讀緊, 雖然佢係出名電腦, 但係好似係准獨兩間唔可以網上交錢既大學之一, 聽講話好厄錢呢間大學(但有邊一間唔係....), 學分需求比其他兩間多大分校高, 住屋方面會好貴, 你都知"多大"既地係幾貴啦.....要成$1000 加元左右一個月. Western 係出名Finance, 但名氣就最低響呢四間中. University of Waterloo 就出名係數, 呢間我都唔太清楚...........

參考: 自已, 麥馬大學畢業.
2008-05-23 5:31 pm
The name of UT is the best but program wise I think Waterloo or Western is better.

Ivey HBA program of Western (Intermship program) it ranked 16 of the world before.

Waterloo got the best accounting program in Ontario (Co-op), upon completion you can skip level 1 of CA.

B.Com (St. George/Mis) (Intermship) or you can do a BBA (Scarborough)(Co-op/Intermship <-not sure have to check)

I apologize for I am not familiar with Queen's program but I am sure this is a good school

My rank go to

1st UWO
2nd Waterloo
3rd UT (BBA)
4th UT (B.Com [St. George])
5th Queen's
6th UT (B.Com [Mis])

If you specific want accounting to be your career then I would put Waterloo first.

Actually York got a good business program as well.

FYI... you need to maintain a high avg for first 2 year to ensure you are able to stay in "the program" if you are pre-admissible or else you need a higher avg to get in "the program"

Which school is good is one of the tough question to answer, it really depends.

My suggestion is no matter which school you go for, please go for their co-op or intermship program to gain some work exp before your graduation. Trust me that it will help for job hunt and polish your resume.

If you want to further discuss it with me please feel free to contact me @ [email protected]
2008-05-17 11:20 am
Congraduations. If all those universities accpet you, it indicates you are one tough student. You must have good marks and your personal profile must also be good.

All the universities above are famous/popular in Commerce and Business. Even you pick any one with eyes closed, you can't be wrong. But again depends on what you want exactly. Each university has their own character. It is hard to say which one is the best.

If you are 90% student, at Queen's you will find most students are at your level. I don't think anyone at Queen's Commerce is under 90%. So prepare to figh very hard at Queen's, cuz they are all top students.

If you are a party animal, Western is your choice. This university is famous of partying. Ivey is good business school, no doubt about it.

UT(St. George) is famous of killing students. Students are from all over the world and they are all tough students. They study day and night to stay above water. If you fail, they kick you out with no mercy. The good thing is UT students are all over the world, very large population. You will meet UT alumi everywhere, good job opportunity.

UT(Mis) good for those like the UT name but not good enough for UTSG.

Weterloo is not quite a good business school, people like it because its coop program. Their acctg and financial mangt is more like math part of business not real business's business. If you want to be real Commerce, Waterloo may not satisfy you. But to be an accountant, yes, Waterloo is ok.
參考: my experience
2008-05-14 8:48 pm
In my opinion I would rank:
1. Queens
2. Western
3. UT
4. Waterloo
參考: me
2008-05-10 5:51 pm
給你最新 MBA 排行榜作參考

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