我應否去HKU LLB 的 Interview??????請救救我!

2008-05-10 4:48 am
我剛剛收到通知, 下個星期三去HKU LLB 的 Interview.但我當日有頗重要的事要做, 可能去唔到.
如果唔去的話, 會否降低入HKU LLB 的機會?
但係我又曾聽講如果 Interview 表現差, AL成績不錯也會被 Interview成績拖低以致不被取錄. 如果係真的, 即係去 IN 反而增加了風險?
那麼我應去IN 還是推辭?

回答 (1)

2008-05-10 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have to go to interview!
If you do not go to interview, it simply shows you are not really eager to study there and it MUST lower your chance to study LLB.
Should you are not available that day, you may try to contact the faculty and see whether you can change the time slot.

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