”不要嫌我好麻煩” 的英文寫法

2008-05-10 4:21 am
請問 "不要嫌我好麻煩" 的英文寫法是怎樣?.............................

回答 (6)

2008-05-10 9:25 am

Excuse me for being so troublesome.
2008-05-10 6:51 am
”不要嫌我好麻煩” 的英文寫法:

I better not suspected of trouble
參考: me
2008-05-10 4:53 am
I hope I didn't bring you too much trouble.
參考: Me
2008-05-10 4:52 am
Please do not dislike me of my trouble(s).

2008-05-09 20:53:00 補充:
trouble-> bothering or troubling
參考: myself
2008-05-10 4:29 am
不要嫌我好麻煩 :
Please bear with me for being too bothering !
參考: Myself
2008-05-10 4:24 am
Do not dislike I good trouble
參考: yahoo

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