
2008-05-10 2:55 am
怎樣知道一間公司有沒有負債如果想頂讓, 有方法嗎.


回答 (2)

2008-05-11 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以做一次Due Diligence Audit,因為會計師有責任去查證賬目內資產及負債的真確及完整。次一等嘅方法係做業務轉讓(Transfer of Business),即係你先整間公司,然後將指定資產及負債包括舊公司名字由新公司承擔,買賣雙方要上律師樓辦同登報紙公告。咁你就唔使做Due Diligence,因為收費幾貴。不過Transfer of Business 都唔係平,主要睇買賣合約條款有幾複雜,轉讓資產負債有幾多。
2008-05-10 3:34 am
Ask the company for a audited financial statements if this is a limited company. Enquire the business activities and review its list of creditors. Lastly, ask the seller to undertake for any claims against the company, if any, in a Selling of Business Agreement. Therre are a lot of legal implication e.g. annoucemnet in newspapers and filing of records in Government's Departments etc..If in doubt, you should also seek a lawyer's advice.

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