Adobe reader 8開唔到線上files ....???

2008-05-10 2:40 am
如題~我以前都開到架,但唔佑幾時開始就開唔到線上的file (係pdf)點解ar???佢而家一定要download左個file先開到..我唔想咁樣ar???點樣可以解決呢個問題??


回答 (2)

2008-05-20 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Highlight 左 D 重點, 您可以檢查一下:
2. Make sure that the ActiveX folder contains files required for web browsing.To open PDF files in a browser window, the ActiveX folder mustcontain the following files: AcroPDF.dll, AcroIEHelper.dll, andpdfshell.dll.
The ActiveX controls should be located in: Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX
If any of these files are missing, then repair Acrobat or AdobeReader by choosing Help > Repair Acrobat Installation, orreinstalling the application.
3. Use a supported version of the browser.Make sure that you use a version of your web browser that Acrobatand Adobe Reader support, such as Internet Explorer 6. Supportedbrowsers for Adobe Acrobat 8, Adobe Reader 8 are Internet Explorer 6.0,6.0 SP1, Internet Explorer 7.0, Firefox 1.5 or later, Mozilla 1.7, andAOL 9.
4. Restart Windows after you install Acrobat or Adobe Reader to update the Windows registry.To ensure that the Windows registry provides the information yourweb browser needs to view PDF files, restart Windows. If the Windowsregistry doesn't update after you install Acrobat, then the web browsermay not find the references it needs to access PDF files on the web.
5. Remove older versions of Acrobat or Adobe Reader.If you have an older version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader installed onthe system, then use the Add Or Remove Programs utility in Windows toremove it.

2008-05-10 3:02 am
試下用Firefox la唔錯....

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