come in come in

2008-05-09 8:42 pm
I am so really angry , you know what, i have been sick for sometimes and feel quite unhappy and worried, so i asked the dr to refer me to a social worker,
then he refer me to psychiatrist which i haven't consulted yet at first i thought it's fine. Later on i find that
i was in deep crap, you know why, whenever i was in hospital or in clinic, they would refer to my psychiartric record and even doubt that if i have ability to make some decision.
damn they said some crap like that' it's very normal for ppl to have emotional problems to consult a psychiartrist or psychologist, they might precribe medicine or therapy for you, Damn what i wanted is just a social worker to talk with. i am abosutely normal, cut the crap, they must say the dr is capable to refer me there, but the fact is if i didn't ask him for a social worker, he mustn't transfer me to psychiartry department. This is horrible man. it makes my record bad, they all give me that crap' nobody knows they are normal, maybe those kind of helps is suitable for you in dr point view' damn everyone would be sad and need someone to talk with. then everyone should see a psychiartists. i feel bad whenever i see the dr and they refer to this crap record.

回答 (1)

2008-05-09 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
calm down! Relax a bit.
when u encounter any emotion problem , either angry, or sad, what u should do first is to calm yourself , wash your face with cold water or drink
some water slowly. By calming yourself,
u would know what u really to do next.

Find sb to talk with , by phone or by letter.
I think there is many caring people in hong kong.
u can call those hotline like關心一線 to tell them your feeling.

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