because同because of有何不同之處﹖

2008-05-09 7:31 pm
英文中because同because of有何不同之處﹖

回答 (4)

2008-05-11 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, the meaning of them are the same, but you have to pay attention when u are using them as below:
because : normally after because, you have to add the noun, verb and subject in the sentence. e.g. He cannot go to work because he gets sick.
because of : after because of, you have to add the subject in the sentence. e.g. He cannot go to work because of his sick.
hope it can help you.
2008-05-18 8:23 pm
英文中because同because of不同之處是少了個fo字同多了個fo字!
參考: 自己
2008-05-09 9:28 pm
BECAUSE是用於句子(subject + verb+ object) or( subject+verb+adjective)

eg. Because she was so hard working , she got an A grade in History .

BECAUSE OF就用於noun phrase,
i.e. Because of her hard working, she got an A grade in History.
her hard working 就係noun phrasebecause of 意思同用法相當於 due to
2008-05-09 9:14 pm
BECAUSE是用於句子(subject + verb+ object) or( subject+verb+adjective)

eg. Because she was so hard working , she got an A grade in History .

because意思同用法相當於 as

BECAUSE OF就用於noun phrase,
i.e. Because of her hard working, she got an A grade in History.
her hard working 就係noun phrase嗱

because of 意思同用法相當於 due to
參考: me

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