gramma 20 points!

2008-05-09 6:43 pm
who have some gramma tips??

I study in primary 6. I am going to be a form one student.

回答 (2)

2008-05-23 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
嘩,呢位老友,以 閣下嘅英文居然夠薑做教師,


其實學 GRAMMER 可以去書局買幾本 GRAMMER 書,
先睇一遍,有基本概念 (未能融會貫通係正常嘅),
再睇多 D 英文書,兒童文學或兒童故事那種,
2008-05-09 9:18 pm
ok,if you want some grammar tips,you can find me by MSN
MSN:[email protected]
and what form are you in,secondary school or primary school?
i am a teacher,i can help you
find me by MSN

**grammar is easy if you like it,so try to make some reasons to make yourself like it!!**
**talk to you later**i don't have much time to spend on my MSN.....but i can teach you in a short time and i can sure that you are the Best-English in your class in a very short time**

i hope i can help you and don't be scared of English

2008-05-21 13:14:10 補充:
of crouse i can help you,find me by MSN
參考: me

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