Finance Lease

2008-05-09 6:13 pm
我公司要求我寫一份finance lease 關於向另一間公司借equipment , 請問大家有冇sample 比我參考 ??

回答 (2)

2008-05-19 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A Finance lease is a type of lease - the other being an operating lease. A finance lease (highly similar to a capital lease) effectively allows a firm to finance the purchase of an asset, even if, strictly speaking, the firm never acquires the asset. Typically, a finance lease will give the lessee control over an asset for a large proportion of the asset's useful life, providing them the benefits (and risks) of ownership.
Treatment in the United States
Under US accounting standards, a finance lease is a lease which meets at least one of the following criteria:

the lease term is greater than 75% of the asset's estimated useful life
the lease contains a bargain purchase option to buy the equipment less than fair market value.
ownership of the asset is transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term
the present value of the lease payments exceeds 90% of the total original cost of the equipment.
Following GAAP accounting point of view, such a lease is classified as a purchase by the lessee and is capitalized on the lessee's balance sheet. See FASB-13 for definitions between capital and operating leases.

Special Case: Finance Leases under UCC Article 2A
The term sometimes means a special case of lease defined by Article 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code (specifically, Sec. 2A-103(1) (g)). Such a finance lease recognizes that some lessors are financial institutions or other business organizations that lease the goods in question purely as a financial accommodation and do not want to have the warranty and other entanglements that are usually associated with leases by companies that are manufacturers or merchants of such goods. Under a UCC 2A finance lease, the lessee pays the payments to the lessor (and indeed must do so, regardless of any defect in the leased goods – this obligation usually being contained in a “hell or high water” clause)
2008-05-19 6:35 pm

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