
2008-05-09 7:30 am

回答 (2)

2008-05-10 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you mean an oral report?

1) Be more confident. Speak up![= speak louder] {NG for written reports}
2) You have shown your hard work/effort.
3) I appreciate with you ideas, especially _______________________.(a noun/noun phrase)
4) You have clearly presented your ideas.
5) You could have put some more effort to ______________.
6) It is interctive, well done! {NG for written reports}
7) Your work is great, all you need is a bit more relaxation. Do not rush through. {NG for written reports}
8) You may further elaborate your ideas before going to another topic.
9) Ideas lucidly explained.(similar to 4))
10) Good organisation.
11) The context is coherent, excellent!
12) Beautiful illustrations. {not recommended. NG for oral reports}
13) Illustrations used help demonstrate your thoughts, good work! {NG for oral reports}
14) Good use of figures(for written reports)/props(for oral reports, if any).

Something like these. Just anything you wanna say. Hope the above helps.=]]
參考: moi
2008-05-09 11:47 pm
Your report is well written【寫得好】. It is clear 【清晰】and descriptive【詳盡】. The recommendations 【建議】are just constructive【有建設性】. Last but not least, I like the conclusion most ! Please keep up your good work【繼續努力】.
參考: Me, hope it helps

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