
2008-05-09 7:25 am
我大概打左一年多d,雙手反手, 在底線喜歡打上旋, 善長截擊和扣殺


我係用 wilson ultra 6.3 球拍
拍面: oversize (110 in)
grip size: no.2(4 1/4)

回答 (2)

2008-05-10 5:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For a beginner, string does not matter that much.
Any cheap one would do.
There should be a label or print on the throat of the racquet indicate the tension range. If no label 50-60 lbs. are safe for most sticks.
2008-05-10 10:42 pm
It depends on your choice.
I play more than 20 years and I want to change the strings often, so I use Synthetic gut about $120 for 1 week.
You can use Real Gut $700 which is good feeling.

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