correct these sentences,it have wrong.

2008-05-09 6:34 am
1.Someone think that no one can hinder other people right when they want to accept new thing.

2.If the religion has love, peace and understanding, the discrimination will not happen.

3.Besides, we can be easy to accept new things, not only become narrow-minded people.

4.A lot of Christian thinks that Harry potter book contains many bad ideas.

5.However, our world also has friendly Christian.

6.They think that Harry potter books still have precious things, such as love, loyalty, trust and sacrifice.

回答 (3)

2008-05-09 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Someone think(s) that no one (should, not can) hinder other people (from their) right (no - when they want) to accept new thing. (When we use hinder we have to use – someone hinder someone “from” doing something,
So this sentence will be changed to : Someone thinks that no one should hinder other people from their right to accept new thing.

2.If the religion has love, peace and understanding, (no need to use the) discrimination will not happen.

3.Besides, (no we can – change to it can) be easy (add – for people) to accept new things (no, add a connective here – and they will) not (no need to use only) become narrow-minded people.
So this sentence will be changed to : Besides, it can be easy for people to accept new things and they will not become narrow minded people.

4.A lot of Christian thinks that Harry (P, not p)potter book contains many bad ideas. - correct

5.However, our world also has friendly Christian(add s). – correct, it will be better if you say “many friendly Christians”.

6. They think that Harry Potter books still have precious things, such as love, loyalty, trust and sacrifice (add “themselves for other people”)
參考: Myself
2008-05-09 10:39 pm
1. Someone doesn't think that people's right to take any new things can be hindered.
2. It is no longer a matter of religion has no love, peace and understanding , but there come a lot of discriminations.
3. Besides, we don't be narrow-minded but try to take any new things .
4. A lot of Christians think that a series of books Harry Potter contain many bad ideas .
5. However, there are some friendly Christians in our world .
6. They think that a series of books Harry Potter show some significant ideas, including love, loyalty, trust and sacrifice .

2008-05-09 14:54:18 補充:
Correction :
2. Nowadays, it is a matter of having no love, no peace and no understanding among different religions , thereby causing a lot of discriminations.
2008-05-09 3:17 pm
1.Someone thinks that no one can hinder other people`s right when they want to accept new things.

2.If the religion has love, peace and understanding, discrimination will not exist.

3.Besides, we can try to accept new things, and not be narrow-minded.

4.A lot of Christians think that Harry Potter books contain many bad ideas.

5.However, our world also has friendly Christians.

6.They think that Harry Potter books contain some significant ideas, such as love, loyalty, trust and sacrifice.
參考: myself

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