how to save those elephant??

2008-05-09 3:19 am
how to save those elephant??
give me some suggestion!

回答 (1)

2008-05-10 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Save the Elephants (STE) assists wildlife departments in their fight against ivory traders and poachers. We protect and monitor elephants with aerial surveillance and radio-tracking and believe that a renewed ivory trade remains the greatest potential threat to elephants.

Protection is a vital pillar supporting the future of the elephant. Our work through education, research and grassroots conservation is gaining momentum and we hope it will eventually eclipse the need for active protection. Until that time arrives all our efforts funnel into the essential work of lobbying governments and CITES to provide legal protection. STE works closely with government and non-governmental organisations, universities and research institutions to ensure the long-term conservation of elephants in Africa. This requires a multifaceted approach and our activities cover research, conservation, community education and training, and public awareness at both a national and international level.

STE’s research into elephant movement and populations provides protection as well as invaluable raw data. GPS tracking collars and aerial surveys are essential monitoring tools, showing us the important areas that elephants use most and so focusing our efforts on conserving those areas. Live tracking also allows rangers to guard herds and individuals that enter dangerous environments.

不知你合用否 !希望可以幫到你 !

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