
2008-05-09 3:11 am
當我登人網上銀行的時候,自動彈出以下方塊 (最底有 yes, no, always 給我選按)
內容: Do you want to accept the certificate fr website "xx bank.com" for the
purpose of exchanging encrypted information.

Publisher authenticity vertified by " Add Trust AB"

! The security was issued by a company that is not trusted
i The security has not expired and is still valid

Caution : " xx Bank.com" asserts that this content is safe. You should only
accept this content if you trust "XXBank.com" to make that assertion.

回答 (1)

2008-05-09 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
你想要接受證明fr網站" xx bank.com " 為交換被加密的信息的目的。

" vertified的出版者真實性; 增加信任AB"

! 沒有被信任的公司發布安全

小心: " xx Bank.com " 斷言這個內容是安全的。 如果你信任",你應該只接受這個內容; XXBank.com" 做那主張。

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