Can anyone help me??Eng to Chin

2008-05-09 12:48 am
hey, what's up!


I wuz checkin' round for people near me, & i noticed ur profile. u give me the impression that a quite fascinating dude, but I'm quite inexperienced at how things work here, and don't know what's going on around here. Don't they have some sort of chat thing here? i can't stand sending messages to people, & sometimes never getting a responce! Well, if you wanna chatting with me, u can catch me over at, my name there is wildlady.

So, ya, hope to meet up with you there. always looking to find more ppl.
Shannon Moore

plz help me to change the message above to Chinese

回答 (1)

2008-05-09 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
hey, what's up! [係外國人既問候方法]
喂, 近來點呀?!


i wus checkin' round for people near me, & i notice ur profile.
我係呢個網週圍睇緊, 無意間睇到你個個人簡介.

u give me the impression that a quite fascinating dude, but I'm quite inexperienced at how things work here,
你俾我個印象係一個幾美好既男孩子, 但係我對呢度既運作無咩經驗,

and don't know what's going on around here. Don't they have some sort of chat thing here?
同埋唔知呢度發生咩事/ 有咩特別. 呢度其實有無類似用黎傾偈既工具?

i can't stand sending messages to people, & sometimes never getting a responce!
我頂唔順要不斷傳訊息俾人, 有時仲要無回覆!

Well, if you wanna chatting with me, u can catch me over at, my name there is wildlady.
嗯, 如果你想同我傾下偈, 你可以到搵我, 我係個度既名係wildlady [野性的女士].

So, ya, hope to meet up with you there. always looking to find more ppl.
Shannon Moore
所以, 係喇, 希望可以係個度見到你, 我成日都想搵多d朋友.
Shannon Moore [佢個名]

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