
2008-05-08 10:39 pm
1. 需唔需要攞牌呢?
2. 政府有冇規定幾多呎地方容納幾多學生呢?

回答 (1)

2008-05-11 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
攞牌 if meet the following requirements
1. 補習 content can be teach in normal school. eg language, physics
2. Every lesson has 8 or more student.
3. Daily train over 20 students.

Other than 3.5M space by the instructor, every studnet need to have 0.9 sq M space.

Other than develop a new 補習社 from zero, you can buy from some company broker. There is broker company in Hong Kong that buy and sell more differnt types of SME.

Some sample in their site
簡介 每月參考利潤(約) 定價 包括可退回按金及
存貨及預繳(約) 回本期(約)
筲箕灣教育中心 $19,600 $350,000 $36,100 16個月
黃大仙補習社 $12,500 $228,000 $47,645 14個月
沙田補習社 $22,000 $338,000 $93,347 11個月

You can visit there site at www.hkbi.com
2008-05-09 3:33 am



2008-05-19 09:04:24 補充:
Just want to make a note that the businesses HKBI selling are with the MARKUP price of 150-200%...

Besides, they will charge you just for showing you the information.......

Also, please CHECK the profit....normally the profit they presented is including salary......

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