
2008-05-08 9:17 pm
近年來,投資理財專家,策劃師亦多了, 應該如何選擇呢?
一. 選擇歷史悠久的金融公司, 保險公司, 或銀行的理財部?
上述的機構都有策劃師的。或許是team work的

二 選擇有些有名氣的策劃師, 他們是依附在某些大保險公司
的, 可靠嗎?他們多數會跳槽的, 那會否變為該公司的理財

回答 (2)

2008-05-11 8:52 pm
1. 金融公司 及 銀行
2. 保險公司只限賣保險及基金,非全面理財,請留意,同時……asg%%&gdsfg
2008-05-11 2:02 pm
If you are interested in investment or savings, you may send your contact to [email protected] for an appointment of financial planning. I am a licensed financial planning manager in a top notch financial group (not an insurance company) which consists of three listing companies. So I think I may give you some advice.

Or you may simply e-mail me your phone number so that we can have a casual chat.

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