
2008-05-08 12:39 pm

1.“The Story of Yingying”, and “Six Chapters from a Floating Life” are both considered to be among the most moving Chinese literary representations of love and attachment between men and women. Why might this be the case? How do these accounts convince us of the individuals’ strength of feeling? How do they differ?

2.Compare and contrast the techniques and effects of parallelism in Tang poetry and Ming and Qing examination essays.

3.Select a moderate-length short story or narrative from Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology of Translations and write a commentary to it. (Don’t overdo the enthusiasm, though!)

4.Select one of the theories of literature discussed in this class, and assess its usefulness in gaining a deeper understanding of one of the literary works that we have read this semester.

回答 (1)

2008-05-08 8:25 pm
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在《含英咀華》一書中選擇一篇長短適中的短篇故事或敍事,寫一書評 (但請勿過份積極)。

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