Are guys jealous too ?

2008-05-07 2:54 pm
I have dated this guy for a while, and we have always been friends, before and after the relationship. We have remained friends when I had boyfriends after him, but now that my current bf and I and serious and talking about marriage, he became all weird.
I had moved out of state with my bf, and had left my friend, lets call him john, in charge of my house. To check mail, ( until everything is forwarded) and make sure the pipes dont freeze.. etc... He was always helpful and caring and I trusted him. I came back for a visit and found a sign in my house, with a piece of tape attached to it, like it was taped to a door..It said, "out for lunch, back in an hour...", then in my garage, there was a bunch of empty printer cartridges ( that I know he collects and makes money off of ..). So I was wondering what the heck is the sign for ?? So I asked him, and he said to my face: "Oh I thought that was yours !!" he told me that his company was filming some kind of video and used my condo for it .

So I was very unhappy that he did that, and was worried that he was using my garage to run some kind of business without getting my permission... !!! so I asked for the keys back, and he said, you want me to make copies? I said no .... so he never asked why i got the keys back. After that, my bf and I invited him to dinner.bc I wanted my bf to meet him. After that, they went and watched a game together. It had been tradition for john and I to go to dinner when am in town, once every 6 weeks or so.. well the last two times he cancelled on me, and he doesnt write or text as much anymore ... what is going on ???????????? I miss our friendship.. Is he jealous ? Mad ? Did I do something wrong ???

回答 (12)

2008-05-07 2:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course! Anyone can be jelous... but from what you've stated in this question, it seems as though he's using you somehow. For whatever reason it is, that's a kind of un-loyal friend if you ask me.
2008-05-07 10:07 pm
Guys do get jealous, but in ways that are different from women. I think your male friend is getting too comfortable with you, he was behaving as if your house belongs to him. Maybe he felt that you are now paying too much attention to your bf instead of to him like you used to. Why not invite him to activities that the 3 of you can do together, like going to a movie. Also, if there is anything that bothers you about him, tell him about it. Make him understand that he cannot take you for granted.
2008-05-07 10:03 pm
Yes he can be jealous but after reading this you cant even trust him to do something for you, change the locks to your apartments and go on, he seems like a psyco to me, i think you are better off without him, can you imagine what kind of video was shot in your house. Enjoy your life with you bf he should be the one to be best friends with and more. It is ok to have a bf too but what that respects you and your things.
2008-05-07 10:02 pm
I don't think he is mad at you, but maybe he is jealous. He might just be upset that you got into such a good relationship and he didn't. What he did to you was mean, but maybe you need to just tell him how you feel. If you talk to him about your problem, he might tell you why he is acting so weird about the whole thing. Good luck, and i hope you get your friendship with him back.
2008-05-07 10:00 pm
Yes, men definitely get jealous. If your male friend liked you as more than a friend, he should have told you sooner. You found a guy who 'did' let you know, and now it's too late for your male friend to have you.
2008-05-07 10:00 pm
You must be very young. Males and females have feelings and capable of being jealous, envious, etc no matter at what age. Having relationships too young can be very confusing and dangerous, too. Best to concentrate on studies, your dreams(singer, dancer, painter, actor?), etc. Best wishes.
2008-05-07 9:59 pm
well ur story is to complicted tell him u wanted to meet him someday just like that usual diner of u people every 6 weeks or so dont take ur bf with u just ask him what were the reasons for him doing so, also ask the same question to him i mean ask him whether he was jealous or angry
2008-05-07 9:59 pm
well maybe he's jealous and then when you took the keys back that made him sad. But why didn't you have a family member relative looking after your place while you are out of town?? Maybe talk w/him and tell him that you value his friendship and that if he needs to talk you're here.
2008-05-07 9:58 pm
well it depends if he that tipe of guy that gets jealous easily!
2008-05-07 9:57 pm
YEPS! It's that we consider not to show it too often.

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