各位,我打算5月尾去歐洲自由行30日, 是來回LONDON機票, 會去英, 荷, 法, 意, 希, 已plan行程, 請各位俾d意見,因為都係初步構思而且時間亦都好趕. 唔知以下行程是否ok, 每個city停留ge日數是否ok?因想去LV購物,所以希望PARIS可以放係後面. thanks~~~
26/5, 08 arrive London at 4pm
27 London
28 fly to Athens by easy jet, arrive athens at 1200
29 Athens
30 Athens to Santorini
31&1 Santorini
2 Santorini to Athens to Patra, Ferry to Venice
3 In Ferry
4&5 Venice
6,7&8 Rome
9 Vatican
10 Pisa & Florence
11 Florence
12 Florence to Milan, Milan
13 Milan
14 Milan to Nice, Nice
15 Nice
16 Nice to Paris, Paris
17,18&19 Paris
20 Paris, Paris to Amsterdam
21&22 Amsterdam
23 Fly to London by easyjet, London
24 London, Depart London
不過我每個city裡面ge行程未plan,請建議下每個city內ge行程ar, eg有咩景點要必去同埋點去~~同埋交通亦係一大難題, budget有限, 約3萬-3萬5, 請幫忙!!!!!!!