
2008-05-08 3:36 am
I personally feel that Engineering is not a popular subject in Hong Kong (if compared it with BBA)... but still, it's something I want to study in univetrsity. I have applied for the universities in both HK and UK, and the engineering degrees seem to be male dominated in UK. When I had an interview at Imperial (Material engineering), the ratio of boys to girls was like 2:12. I have to say I wasn't surprised at all.

Anyway, I just want ask if any of you could answer my question - the rough ratio of boys and girls in the engineering departments in HK? Besides, is engineering really a ''水泡科''@@???

Thanks a lot.

回答 (1)

2008-05-08 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I dont know the model answer neither but I could share some of my experience to you.

Actually the ratio depends on which engineering discipline to be considered ( I have been in a mechanical engineering class of 1:6 and a biomedical engineering class of 1:2. Most engineering discipline fall in between this range I suppose.). Its boy dominating because physical works, in different extent, are always correlated with engineering.

According to the admisson figures, engineering seems like 水泡. It may due to the environment in HK as a financial based city, and more students prefer to study commerical related subjects like BBA. To be frank, the income of an engineer is not so high as compared to those bank workers. ( As my teacher said, engineering cant make big money, but it wont let you hungry neither.)
However, enginnering is not easy at all.

Therefore, is engineering a good choice depends on your very own but not the popularity. If you are really interested, it wont be any matter if it is 水泡 or not.

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