急急急!!! ”這課程將會令我終生受用” 英文點寫????????? 俾20分您呀..........

2008-05-07 11:26 pm
請問 "這課程將會令我終生受用" 英文點寫?????????

快答, 趕住要架...唔該哂...

回答 (4)

2008-05-08 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Things I have learned in this course will benefit me for life.
N.B. The course itself will not benefit you but things that taught in the course will.

2008-05-07 18:43:13 補充:
Fit for life = fit 一世
An Arsenal fan for life = 終生為阿仙奴粉絲

可見簡簡單單 for life 兩個字,就可表達終生的意思,當然你也可以用 for the rest of my life去代表「我有生之年」。

終生受用就是benefit me for life。
2008-05-08 11:06 am
We have to use future tense for this sentence :
The enduring benefits for joining this course will never end till eternity !
參考: Myself
2008-05-08 12:36 am
「這課程」英文是 this program or this course
「將會令我」是 will make me
「終生受用」是一種感受,把以上連起來,就是 feel enriched or benefited all my life- time.
All my life-time 是終生之意。本人最欣賞的歌詞之一,就是英語版「玫瑰玫瑰我愛你」中的 All my life-time, shall remember, oriental music and you in my heart. 你有聽過嗎?

This program will enrich me all my life-time.
This course will make me feel benefited all my life-time.
2008-05-07 11:38 pm
This course will benefit me in my life
參考: myself

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