Comprehensive Export Licence

2008-05-07 9:52 pm
不是所有forwarder 要需要我們提供這張licence, 什麼時候才要用, 或什麼國家.

回答 (2)

2008-05-07 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
除中國及美國外, 紡織品輸往其他國家都需要Comprehensive Export Licence
2008-05-07 11:44 pm
Comprehensive Import Licence (Textiles) and Comprehensive Export Licence (Textiles) ("Comprehensive Licence") were introduced as from 1 January 2005 to facilitate respectively the import of textiles from and export of textiles to countries or places that have not maintained quantitative restrictions or other safeguard measures over textile products originated from Mainland China (i.e. the non-sensitive markets)1 . As from 15 March 2006, comprehensive licences are no longer applicable to exports (including re-exports) to the European Union (EU). Each textiles consignment for export to the EU must be covered either by textile notifications lodged by traders registered under the Textiles Trader Registration Scheme or by consignment-specific export licences.

3. Comprehensive licences currently cover:

1. textiles imports from countries or places other than the Mainland; and

2. textiles exports (including re-exports) to countries or places other than the Mainland, the US and the EU.

2008-05-07 16:17:12 補充:

* 有關申請及許可證事宜請電 2398 5288 或

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