
2008-05-07 9:21 pm

買澳洲紙同紐西蘭紙做高息定期存款有咩風險? 匯率風險是否唯一風險? 仲有無其他風險要注意?

回答 (2)

2008-05-07 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
AUD and NZD have a higher interest rate because :
1. their business is too good, cause inflation
government need to hold the growth rate under control,
and to keep a reasonable inflation.

2. US market is weak, so, US has to cut interest rate to stimulate economy.
Then, AUD and NZD are "RELATIVELY" have a much higher interest
rate than US$.

1. Currency Exchange Rate Risk
2. Commodity Price eg. Copper, Iron, etc.. price drop in the market,
Now, commodity are very expensive now.
2008-05-08 9:38 am

買澳洲紙同紐西蘭紙做高息定期存款, 匯率風險是唯一風險. 現在澳洲紙同紐西蘭紙的匯率已很高, 很容易賺息蝕本.

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