2008-05-07 7:04 pm
有無人同一時間study 呢 2 個 modules....

Module 1 : Foundation of Financial Planning

Module 3 : Investments


p.s. 我要返工的

回答 (2)

2008-05-08 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Its depends. If you got a business/accounting/finance academic background, just 2 modules in CFP should not pose any problem to you even as a kind of part-time study. Btw, CFP is not that highly-regarded in any sense within the finance field.

2) In case you are a newbie to finance studies, you should know that [Investments] module is sort of advanced subject in the field. You then had better take the Module 1 before Module 3.

簡言之, 如果你有BA/會計/金融學背景(學位), 區區兩個module, 當然可以應付自如; 但係, 如果你係金融學新丁, 就要知道[Investments]理應係較高級之金融學科, 讀佢之前, 最好讀左d基礎科目先, 就較合理啦 - 由淺入深讀起黎會容易好多....

good luck la...
參考: ME
2008-05-07 7:10 pm
如果你日間工作與金融和投資有關的, 都唔算太難, 因為 CFP 和 CFA 係有好大距離, 無咁難, 不過同時讀的話, 會花多好多時間溫習, 所以安全計, 都係分期讀會好D

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