日本菜英文食諳+做法! 15點架!!

2008-05-07 5:42 pm

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2008-05-07 8:05 pm
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日式紫菜肉碎炒飯 (1人份量)
材料: 1 碗白飯, 1/2 湯匙蒜茸, 4兩免治豬肉, 2湯匙紫菜(切幼絲), 松子少許
調味料: 鹽及胡椒粉各少許
做法: 1) 先用鹽及胡椒粉把免治豬肉略醃。2) 燒熱油鑊, 加少少油, 爆香後加入豬肉炒至熟透。將白飯倒入炒至鬆開,加入松子, 再放少少鹽調味, 熄火後撒上紫菜絲即可。
備註 : 若果必須用新鮮飯, 也宜用較硬身的, 或者在炒飯之前放進冰箱雪半小時, 飯便會較硬身, 否則炒的時候, 會不夠乾身而容易黏鑊。
Fried Rice with Minced Pork & Nori in Japanese Style (1 portion)
Ingredients: 1 bowl cooked rice, 1/2 tbsp chopped garlic, 4 tael minced pork & 2 tbsp thinly sliced nori
Seasonings: Some salt & a pinch of pepper
Method: 1) Marinate pork with seasonings. 2) Saute garlic. Add pork & stir well. When pork is cooked, add rice & fry until it does not crumble. Stir in pine nuts & season with salt. Remove from heat & sprinkle with nori.
材料: 8隻蘑菇, 8 隻秀珍菇, 1/2 茶匙鹽, 3/4 杯啤酒, 60克麵粉, 60克鷹粟粉, 芫茜碎適量
做法 : 1) 蘑菇和秀珍菇洗淨留用。2) 把鷹粟粉, 麵粉, 鹽及啤酒倒入碗內調混合成炸漿。3) 把蘑菇及秀珍菇沾上炸漿, 然後放入油鑊內炸至金黃色便可上碟, 最後灑上芫茜碎飾面。
Mushroom Tempura
Ingredients: 8 Button mushrooms, 8 Small black mushrooms, 1/2 tsp salt, 3/4 cup of beer, 60g Flour, 60g Blend cornstarch and some chopped parsley
Method: 1) Rinse button mushroom & black mushroom. 2) Blend cornstarch, flour, salt & beer in a bowl into a batter. 3) Coat mushrooms with the batter & deep-fry in hot oil until golden. Dish up and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve.
材料: 1條 茄子, 50克 免治豬肉, 1湯匙 蒜茸和1湯匙油
調味料: 3湯匙味醂, 1湯匙白醋, 3湯匙日本醬油, 2湯匙砂糖, 少許鹽和胡椒
做法: 1) 將茄子洗淨, 去蒂, 切成長條狀, 放入鹽水中略浸, 以廚紙吸乾水份, 放入油鑊中泡香, 撈起及待用。2) 燒熱1湯匙油, 爆香蒜茸, 加入免治豬肉炒至半熟鬆散。3) 加入已拌勻的汁料, 滾後再以慢火煮約1分鐘, 然後加入茄子炒勻至入味, 汁略收, 便成。

2008-05-07 12:06:09 補充:
Grilled Eggplant with Minced Pork in Japanese Style
Ingredients: 1 pc eggplant, 50g minced pork, 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 1 tbsp oil
Seasonings: 3 tbsp mirin, 1 tbsp white vinegar, 3 tbsp Japanese soy sauce, 2 tbsp sugar, Some salt and some pepper

2008-05-07 12:06:20 補充:
Method: 1) Rinse the eggplant and remove the stem. Then, cut into long strips. Soak in salt water and drain. Then, absorb the water and deep fly. 2) Heat 1 tbsp oil to sautee garlic, add in minced pork and fry until half done.

2008-05-07 12:06:24 補充:
3) Then, pour in mixed sauce ingredients and cook in low heat for 1 minutes. Put back the eggplant and cook until sauce reduced. Serve.
Source extracted from: Joyce Kitchen' Recipes and Maid. HK's Recipes.
參考: 網上+自己煮食經驗

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