
2008-05-07 1:24 pm
are you like to go with me in pizza hut
u looking sexy

回答 (4)

2008-05-11 2:41 am
你:are you like to go with me in pizza hut?
我:would you like to go to pizza hut with me?

你:u looking sexy .
我:you are sexy.
2008-05-07 3:49 pm
It makes no sense at all.
2008-05-07 2:07 pm
hahahahahahahahaha, you want to translate that into chinese? work on your english first. lol.

dam this shit is hilarious.
2008-05-07 1:37 pm
are you like to go with me in pizza hut
你想唔想同我一齊去Pizza Hut (必勝客) 食飯..

u looking sexy

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