我一出世有英國國藉....真係響Passport 到寫明係British Citizen...但係我18先響英國定居..

2008-05-07 1:11 pm
我一出世有英國國藉....真係響Passport 到寫明係British Citizen...但係我18先響英國定居..我now係讀緊A level....計我係Local Student....
但係我唔清楚university會唔會計我做Home Student....

回答 (1)

2008-05-07 1:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To qualify for home fee status, applicants must fulfil both of the folloing 2 main criteria:
1. Either be a British citizen or have indefinite leave to reamin in the UK/ NI or be an EU national


2. Have been ordinarily reseident in the EU/ UK/ NI for 3 years prior to the start of the course for purpose other than receiving full time education.

We can easily prove that we meet the 1st criteria as we have the British passrt. However, it is hard to prove the 2nd criteria, unless u have the home address in UK in the past 3 yrs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 13:32:39
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