
2008-05-07 6:06 am

回答 (2)

2008-05-07 1:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
people that can get into NBA are really talented. And they are amount the best people who jump the highest and run the fastest.

Overall, the main reason is the muscle density is different between Chinese and African American (Black). If you look at their legs, really really thin, but since there is so many muscles in those thin legs, they can really jump.
Chinese (Asians) just do not have the same jumping ability.

And of course, the difference in training are huge. If you search online of NBA players' off season training, you will be amaze by how much they train, and how much work they put themselves through any day.
參考: myself
2008-05-07 6:31 am
其實用一個例子仔就應該明ga la

成功係1%天賦 + 99%汗水換翻黎ga
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參考: 發自內心ge隨筆

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