一間公司用'Company' 和'Limited Company' ,除了在 limited liability 外.

2008-05-07 2:01 am
一間公司用'Company' 和'Limited Company' ,除了在 limited liability 外. 還有什麼分別.
成立'Company", 是不是都需要有 Memorandum & Articles of association???
'Company' 係咪不用File Return to Company Registry???

Many Thanks

回答 (2)

2008-05-11 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
無限公司可分為Sole Proprietor或Partnership,前者為獨資經營,後者為合資經營,一般律師樓或會計師樓多數採取這種經濟方式.成立無限公司,只需要到商業登記處申請商業登記證便可以開始營業.在公司法下,無限公司沒有責任或要求遞交任何文件到公司註冊處. 其實Memorandum & Articles of Association一般詳述公司可以經營的範圍及其它行政上的責任或規則,如果你成立無限公司,沒有特別要求你需要印制這本M&A.M&A主要讓公司以外的人了解公司內部的資料.無限公司亦不需要一定聛請核數師核數,只需要每一年財政年度繳交公司的賬目到稅局秤稅.一般Small Companies都採用這種經營模式,成本較低,規限也較少.

2008-05-10 18:46:10 補充:
此外,M&A一般用來限制股東及董事的責任.如果你只是獨資經營一般公司都不編制的. 在法律要求下,你成立任何類型的公司當然需編制M&A,當你開立銀行戶口或與其它公司合作時,對方將會要求你遞交M&A作考慮.
2008-05-07 7:30 pm
A limited company is a separate legal entity i.e. the company can use its name to sign on contract and for other legal issues where appropriate.
As you know, the limited company has to notify the Companies for any changes of its directors and shareholders and has to file an Annual Return to CR every year. Moreover, the operation of the limited company is binded by its Memorandum and Articles of Association.
There is no such requirement for filing an annual return to Companies Registry for a company ( Firm ).

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