
2008-05-06 11:47 pm


回答 (6)

2008-05-11 2:07 pm
If you are interested in investment or savings, you may send your contact to [email protected] for an appointment of financial planning. I am a licensed financial planning manager in a top notch financial group (not an insurance company) which consists of three listing companies. So I think I may give you some advice.

Or you may simply e-mail me your phone number so that we can have a casual chat.
2008-05-07 10:48 pm
3百萬希望短線1 年多50 - 60 萬, 是要求15-20%回報一年, 15%-20%回報要求是稍偏高, 但也不是沒有可能, 但要一年內做到, 証明你真的沒有任何投資經驗了。
投資不一定賺, 如果找一年賺15-20%的投資標的, 代表你也可能蝕15-20%, 你能接受嗎? 為什麼投資回報會較銀行定期高, 就是因為投資要承擔風險, 有輸錢的可能。投資回報和投資風險其實是一個銀幣的兩面,只有正回報的投資才是有回報的投資, 而風險就是你可能賺蝕的幅度,所以高回報的投資一定是高風險, 但高風險的投資又不一定高回報。
就算股神也不保證投資一年一定有15%-20%回報, 今年的預測只是10%, 所以股神說投資人如果不滿, 可以賣掉巴郡。
投資只可以用閑錢, 如果你的錢在5年內不用, 才可以考慮投資。投資也需要孤獨的決策, 如果只想倚靠別人, 小心把你300萬都輸掉。
寫"窮爸爸、富爸爸"位清崎同美國地產大亨 Donald Trump在"Why we want you to be rich" 寫 : 一個人能做最高風險的事情之一, 就是問其他人: "我有一筆錢, 該怎麼辨?" 那麼就有成千上萬的人幫你處理你的錢 - 拿走它。
2008-05-07 9:58 pm
Assume you dont need to use your money in any urgent for the next 10 years.
Suggestion is :

a. $1 Million : find a Wealth management Fund Manager to invest for you.
This is to use their professional to invest, and you observe how they do.
By the way, You dont need to invest $1M at one, you can see their
performance and then increase your money, eg. you start with $300K.

b. $500K to buy HSBC Stock, and put it under your bed to get Interest.
Becuase HSBC always has dividends every year.

c. $500K to buy Funds, Stock as your own choices, note, you may make
mistake, but you need to learn. So, must limit your money for learning.

d. $1M Cash : Wait for opportunities,
Investment market changes very quickly every day, very Risky.
Talk to different people and get all kinds of idea first before action.

e. Dont buy any accumulator , decummulator if you have $3M total asset.

On the other hand, your TARGET 50 -60 萬 in one year is too aggressive.
YOU must understand that you want to invest, not gamble.

First, gain experience, and play safe, play small. After you have experience,
and understand the game, your then set your target.
2008-05-07 2:52 pm
電話:60975692 葉生
2008-05-07 4:58 am
2008-05-07 12:38 am

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