What is accident

2008-05-06 6:02 pm
Can anyone tell me what is it? Any definition about it?

回答 (4)

2008-05-06 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Accident :
(1) The thing happened without any hints
(2) out of expectation
(3) not in schedule or planning
(4) cannot prevent
(5) uncontrolled
(6) to be happened by macro envirnoment or minor envirnoment
(7) to be happened by persons beheviror
(8) not easy accept
(9) caused the result to be changed
希望幫到你啦 ^.^

2008-05-09 1:55 am
What is accident? = 意外

Let us put it simple. It is a noun.
An accident is an event which is unexpected and the event is generally not a nice matter, such as car crash, drown or any bad news heard.
參考: Self
2008-05-06 6:25 pm
by accidentin a way that is not planned or intended [≠ on purpose, deliberately]:
I met her quite by accident. (=completely by accident)
The discovery was made almost by accident.
The pilot, whether by accident or design (=whether it was planned or not planned), made the plane do a sharp turn.
2 [countable]a crash involving cars, trains, planes etc
road/car/traffic etc accident
Over 70,000 people are killed or seriously injured every year in road accidents.
fatal/serious/tragic etc accident
a fatal accident on the freeway
Theaccident happenedat the junction of Forest Road and Pine Walk.
3 [countable]a situation in which someone is injured or something is damaged without anyone intending them to be:
Kenhadanaccidentat work and had to go to hospital.
I'm sorry about breaking the vase -it was an accident (=I did not intend to do it).
4 [uncountable and countable]something that happens without anyone planning or intending it:
My third baby was an accident.
It is no accident thatmen fill most of the top jobs in nursing, while women remain on the lower grades.
an accident of birth/geography/history etc (=an event or situation caused by chance)
5 accidents (will) happenspokenused to tell someone who has broken something that they should not worry that it has happened
6 an accident waiting to happenused about a situation in which an accident is likely to happen because no one is trying to prevent it:
The boats are being left to drift; it's an accident waiting to happen.
2008-05-06 6:09 pm
1. 事故;災禍[C]
He died in an automobile accident years ago.

2. 意外事情;偶然因素,機遇[C][U]
The discovery was a happy accident.
參考: yahoo dic.

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