Which name for my twins?!?!?!?

2008-05-05 11:31 pm
My husband and I settled on Olysia Marie and Arabella Grace a few days after we found out we were having twin girls. I absolutely love Arabella Grace- but I'm just not liking the Olysia Marie. At first I thought it was adorable, but as I think about it, I really don't want to name my daughter that. Me and my husband Greg like the following names:

Anna Sophia
Kaila Lily
Maya Claire
Claire Elizabeth
Tatianna Grace

Out of those, which ONE do you like best? We already have decided to keep Arabella Grace, but we are very very very very if-y on the Olysia Marie.

So basically, what name do you like best out of the list?


I would like to thank everyone for answering!!! All your answers were helpful... I think we are going to go with Tatianna Lily

回答 (33)

2008-05-06 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Anna Sophia ............... Like it quite cute - Sounds a little like Arabella
Kaila Lily.........Its OK - Prefere the last name - my daughters name
Maya Claire ............ Gorgeous!
Claire Elizabeth ....................... Very Nice
Tatianna Grace ........ Dont like Tatianna sounds like some kind of hair product - sorry !

I prefere Maya Claire or Claire Elizabeth

What about Lilly Claire?

I have twin daughters and it is hard to decide a name for both of them - we had the same problem liked a name couldn't decide on the other one!!

My twins have long names -

Lillybell Savannah Eliska Moore ( Moore is our last name)
Isabella India Eliska Moore.

I am expecting a girl in 3 months - cant decied on a name either.

Good Luck - Twins are hard work but VERY rewarding.

2008-05-05 11:35 pm
I think Tatianna sounds like Arabella's sister.

They're not my style, but they do pair well together.
2008-05-05 11:35 pm
I think that Anna Sophia is the best one there.
2008-05-05 11:40 pm
I like your name Arabella! Out of your list I like Claire Elizabeth
its classic, but, modern if that is possible! ha-ha! Its nice to see that you are married and having a baby! so many people are not! -hope i helped!
I am a twin! me and my sister love being twins! we always have someone to talk to! But, my mom says its hard the first 3-4 months! Not to scare you or anything! you are going to enjoy every min. of it! GOOD LUCK! You might need it, but, i hope you don't! Congrats!
2008-05-05 11:39 pm
Tatianna Grace and Maya Claire!
2008-05-05 11:39 pm
Kaila Lily

reminds me of Calla Lily, very pretty
2008-05-05 11:38 pm
I agree with you on outing the Olysia.
Anna Sophia is completely adorable! My favorite.
I like Tatianna Grace and Claire Elizabeth as well.
2008-05-05 11:37 pm
Kaila Lily & Arabella Grace look & sound really pretty together. congrats and good luck
2008-05-05 11:33 pm
Tatianna Grace.

= )
2016-09-07 6:46 pm
Allison Lyric Beverly Justine Carly Justice Delilah Juliette Elaine Aurora Gabriella April Holly Audrina Isabella Leilani Jasmine Devon Kate Jazlyn Liberty Annaliese Macy Jocelyn Olivia Chelsea Peyton Lily Rosalie Cameron Selena Brooklyn Vanessa Demi Waverly Amanda Yvonne Leia Alice Jade Brooke Destiney Chloe Camilla Harmony Brenda Danielle Alicia Ivy Nicolette Kylie Mae Joelle Liz Leah Janelle Misty Denise Natalia Kaylee Paris Caitlin Roxanne Hayley Shayne Bethany Settarah Angel (persian for superstar) Veronica Nevada Adrienne Miranda Bridget Laura Carmen Jacqueline Heather Kiera Daisy Isis wish i helped and that i might love to understand what names she selected for her infants and dont be shy two touch me
2008-05-06 2:09 pm
Maya Claire
2008-05-06 12:04 am
my favorite girl names are claire and lily. but i dont think they go 2gether so... i really like lily sophia and anna sophia the best. hope that helped = )
2008-05-06 12:01 am
Tatianna Grace
2008-05-06 12:01 am
Anna Sophia is very pretty and saying Anna and Arabella(which is beautiful btw) sound perfect for twins congrats!
2008-05-05 11:59 pm
I personally really don't care for any of them. I actually kinda like Olysia, but I can see why your if-y on it. It is pretty and cute I just don't know that I would use it for my own child. I would however use Olivia as it is one of my fav names. Why not Olivia Marie and Arabella Grace? I think Olivia and Arabella sound very nice together! Good luck and congrats!
參考: mommy of 4
2008-05-05 11:57 pm
Tatianna Grace is really really cute and that and Arabella Grace goes good with it (as twins they go together well)
2008-05-05 11:50 pm
I swiched it i like:
Kaila Lily
Kaila Marie
2008-05-05 11:46 pm
I like Anna Sophia. Plus, both their names would start with A!
2008-05-05 11:45 pm
Their is a teenage star named Anna Sophia Robb But i still like Anna Sophia
2008-05-05 11:44 pm
Maya....it fits 'socially' too. Olysia is not very nice.
參考: I have twin girls too....change it now cos I didn't and 15 years later.....
2008-05-05 11:43 pm
Claire Elizabeth! For sure!

Congratulations on the girls! i hope all goes well!

God Bless!
2008-05-05 11:43 pm
think what two first names go sweet together. if you are having Arabella Grace, I would choose Anna Sophia.

Arabella and Anna, i think it sounds cute! :-)
2008-05-05 11:42 pm
Tatianna Claire. I don't like the matching middle names. Tatianna and Arabella sound like sisters. My favorite is Anna Sophia, though.
2008-05-05 11:42 pm
Tatianna sounds Russian... and I love it. lol
Claire more like British....
Maya is nice
but the other two, I don't really like them :)

Congratulations to you both! I want to have a twin to one day but I guess, there's going to be really frustrating to take care two babies at the same time :D Hahah
2008-05-05 11:42 pm
Anna Sophia is the cutest

for a while i wanted to name my child that and noe that it was brought up i am thinking about it again =)

hope this convinces you even though you should name you child what you want
2008-05-05 11:41 pm
I like Maya Claire the best!
2008-05-05 11:39 pm
Kaila Lilipis gorgeous
2008-05-05 11:38 pm
Maya Lily =)
2008-05-05 11:38 pm
Claire Elizabeth.
2008-05-05 11:36 pm
Tatianna Lily
2008-05-05 11:36 pm
Claire Elizabeth

i like Claire a lot...
2008-05-05 11:36 pm
Anna grace maybe?
or Grace Elizabeth.
Out of your list I like anna sophia, tatianna grace, and maya.
2008-05-05 11:35 pm
elizabeth clare (i know it's the other way round, but then both girls would have longer first names that can be shortened if they like)

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