
2008-05-06 7:12 am
網上d人說e套電影 唔似佢以前既風格
我覺得唔係 我覺得佢今次改變風格 係一個對自己有要求既人 先做到既事

回答 (7)

2008-05-06 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some comments I saw in the internet said that this movie doesn't like his/her style at all. But I think he/she changed her/his style cause she/he requested for something so he/she changed.
參考: 我讀國際學校
2008-05-06 8:50 pm
[ 己幫你中文翻譯英文] : The on-line d person said e set of movies did not resemble the
before already style I to think was not I thought this change
style was has the request already person to oneself first to achieve
already the matter

2008-05-06 3:17 pm
Some internet users have criticized the movie for not following its style.
I disagree. I believe this change of style is a form of self fulfilment.
2008-05-06 11:49 am
From the internet, some people said that this movie doesn't
sound like his usual style. I don't think so. The way he has
changed tells us that he is making a difference, a challenge.
Only a person with serious aspiration and ambition can do
2008-05-06 8:10 am
Some people commented on the internet that this movie does not follow the traditional style of this director.
I do not really think so ! I believe such a change of style for a renowned director is his own mission to challenge himself ! Only very few people can surpass their existing status and try something new !
參考: Myself
2008-05-06 7:32 am
唔知咩 level 先 啱.... 簡單 d 譯, 得唔得?

網上d人說e套電影 唔似佢以前既風格

Others on the Internet have commented this movie to be unlike his previous style & character.


我覺得唔係 我覺得佢今次改變風格 係一個對自己有要求既人 先做到既事

I personally feel that his change of style represents his motivation to enhance himself as a challenge by being different from before.


2008-05-05 23:33:26 補充:
參考: Me
2008-05-06 7:26 am
Some comments from the internet saying that this movie do not like his/her style
but i don't think so, he/she change the style because he/she demand for more that's why he/she changed.
參考: me

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