中變英   十萬火急

2008-05-06 6:47 am



回答 (3)

2008-05-06 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
The above problems could in fact reflect the completion of the anti-Wetland Park after the residents have great impact, I think the Park should take into account the feelings of others, affected by the elements: the morning there are many tourists and kicked up a row of lights at night as the Home, the impact on sleep quality. Wetland Park and the construction is to environmental protection, so they are not environmentally friendly. Without a good quality of sleep with a lot of health problems, such as employees did not mind and spirit at work, the company's performance will decline.

Analysis (4): Wetland Park, was even worse than the components floor, why is light, but not free of harassment and others, so the result is not satisfactory, few people support it, the floor was very components People support it can not be representative of Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai. The most important reason is cost, Tin Shui Wai residents living cost of living has not enough, after no more than the number of meals, how they can afford the entrance fee?

Analysis (5): Wai of the public also believe that the construction of Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai is not Tizou "City of Sadness" in name, we visited the 50 people, of whom do not agree with most of, accounting for 33 people, and very Agree to only one person, that in the Tin Shui Wai in people's minds is not simply rely on a wetland park will be Tizou "City of Sadness" in name. Government should make other options to reduce domestic violence tragedy, is the best way.
2008-05-06 9:48 am
Above problems could actually reflect the completion of the Wetland Park posed negative impacts to the residents. In my opinion the Park should be more considerate and take care of the people who could be affected by the Park. Those negative impacts include but not limited to : loud noise by the tourists in the morning, and bright light shinning into the apartments at night. Both would cause bad effect on the quality of sleeping for those living near the Wetland Park . According to the original idea, the Wetland Park was built to preserve the natural environment. On the contrary it has now become a damage to the natural environment. Lacking qualified sleeping would create a lot of problems. For example the working class will have no motive nor energy to go to work, and this eventually leads to the reduction of company performance.

Analysis 4 :

The effect of Wetland Park was even worse than that of Chui Sing Tower , which was also caused by the same old lighting problem. Moreover since the Wetland Park is not open for free entrance and people got affected, thus the final outcome was not close to ideal. While very few supported The Wetland Park, many people supported Chui Sing Tower . As a conclusion The Wetland Park cannot represent Tin Shui Wai. More importantly is the entrance fee. While people living in Tin Shui Wai have to tie their belt tight for their little income, how could we expect them to spare money for the entrance fee of The Wetland Park ?

Analysis 5 :

The residents of Tin Shui Wai also agreed that having The Wetland Park in the district could not kick away the infamous name of being the “Town of Sadness ”. From the 50 people we interviewed, 33 out of them did not think The Wetland Park would bring Tin Shui Wai a better town to live in. Only 1 interviewee very much agreed that the Wetland Park could bring positive effect to the town.

2008-05-06 01:48:28 補充:
From this we can conclude that we cannot rely on any single project such as the Wetland Park to kick away the name of being a “Town of Sadness”. The most appropriate for the Government to work on immediately is to create other plans to reduce the family violence tragedies in Tin Shui Wai.
參考: Myself, Myself
The above problems could in fact reflect the completion of the anti-Wetland Park after the residents have great impact, I think the Park should take into account the feelings of others, affected by the elements: the morning there are many tourists and kicked up a row of lights at night as the Home, the impact on sleep quality. Wetland Park and the construction is to environmental protection, so they are not environmentally friendly. Without a good quality of sleep with a lot of health problems, such as employees did not mind and spirit at work, the company's performance will decline.

Analysis (4): Wetland Park, was even worse than the components floor, why is light, but not free of harassment and others, so the result is not satisfactory, few people support it, the floor was very components People support it can not be representative of Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai. The most important reason is cost, Tin Shui Wai residents living cost of living has not enough, after no more than the number of meals, how they can afford the entrance fee? »

Analysis (5): Wai of the public also believe that the construction of Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai is not Tizou "City of Sadness" in name, we visited the 50 people, of whom do not agree with most of, accounting for 33 people, and very Agree to only one person, that in the Tin Shui Wai in people's minds is not simply rely on a wetland park will be Tizou "City of Sadness" in name. Government should make other options to reduce domestic violence tragedy, is the best way.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:16:59
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