
2008-05-06 6:24 am
1 濕地是分布於陸地生態系統和水生生態之間的,由ꇯ地系統和水體系統相互作用形成的自然綜合體,是具有獨特水文、土壤、植被與生物特徵的過度性生態系統。由於,濕地是介於陸地系統和水體系統之間的過度帶,並兼有兩種系統的某些特徵,以往很多人不是把濕地歸屬於陸地系統,就是將之歸屬於水體系統。

2 濕地提供的蓮、藕、菱、ꇃ及淺海水域的一些魚、蝦、貝、藻等是富有營養的副食品,有些濕地動植物還可入藥,有許多動植物還是發展輕工業的重要原材料,如蘆葦就是重要的造紙原料。濕地動植物資源的利用還間接帶動了加工業的發展,中國的衣業、漁業、牧業和副業生產在相當程度上要依賴於濕地提供的自然資源。濕地可以給我們多種多樣的產物,包括木材、藥材、動物皮革、肉、蛋、牧草、水果、蘆葦等。


仲有     Hong Kong Wetland Park)香港新界元朗區天水圍北部。佔地61公頃,包括60公頃的戶外保護區及1萬平方呎的室內展館。

回答 (2)

2008-05-06 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 wetlands are located in terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecology between, from ꇯ the system and water system interaction of the natural formation of complex, is a unique hydrology, soil, vegetation and biological characteristics of the excessive ecosystem. Because, wetlands are between terrestrial systems and water systems with the excessive, and both the two systems of certain features of the past, many people instead of wetlands in land ownership system, is to be attributable to the water system.

2 wetlands in the Lotus, Lotus, Mitsubishi, ꇃ shallow waters and some fish, shrimp, shellfish, algae and other non-staple food is nutritious, some wetland plants and animals can be medicine, there are many plants and animals or the development of light industry raw materials, If Reed is an important raw material of paper. Wetlands in the use of animal and plant resources also indirectly led the development of processing industries, China's clothing industry, fisheries, animal husbandry and sideline production to a considerable extent, dependent on wetlands provide natural resources. Wetlands can give us a wide variety of products, including timber, medicinal plants, animal leather, meat, eggs, grass, fruits, such as Reed.
1 wetlands are located in terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecology between, from ꇯ the system and water system interaction of the natural formation of complex, is a unique hydrology, soil, vegetation and biological characteristics of the excessive ecosystem. Because, wetlands are between terrestrial systems and water systems with the excessive, and both the two systems of certain features of the past, many people instead of wetlands in land ownership system, is to be attributable to the water system.

2 wetlands in the Lotus, Lotus, Mitsubishi, ꇃ shallow waters and some fish, shrimp, shellfish, algae and other non-staple food is nutritious, some wetland plants and animals can be medicine, there are many plants and animals or the development of light industry raw materials, If Reed is an important raw material of paper. Wetlands in the use of animal and plant resources also indirectly led the development of processing industries, China's clothing industry, fisheries, animal husbandry and sideline production to a considerable extent, dependent on wetlands provide natural resources. Wetlands can give us a wide variety of products, including timber, medicinal plants, animal leather, meat, eggs, grass, fruits, such as Reed.

2008-05-05 23:15:27 補充:
Hong Kong Wetland Park) in Hong Kong the northern part of Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, New Territories District. An area of 61 hectares, including 60 hectares of protected areas and the outdoor 10,000 square feet of indoor exhibition hall.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 17:30:28
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