
2008-05-06 5:18 am
90% SVGA card or SVGA chip problem.
5% XP crashed.
5% MainBoard fail.
1. Try unplug the SVGA card and clean the gold fingers by using rubber.
2. Also test the SVGA chip fan, clean the fan also.

If still cannot fix, try to look at the MainBoard to see if any components brust, such as capaitor.

If fail components were found, need replace MainBoard!

If no fail component, you may need to re-install XP to fix the problem.
Before re-install XP, try download the IDESCAN.exe to check the HDD. To see if your XP crashed because of HDD failure.
Search the IDESCAN from yahoo and download the IDESCAN.exe version 1.0 to a boot disk.
Boot up your PC and test the HDD.

回答 (1)

2008-05-06 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
90% SVGA 卡片或SVGA 芯片問題。5% XP 碰撞了。5% MainBoard 失敗。1. 嘗試拔去SVGA 卡片和清洗金手指由使用橡膠。2. 並且測試SVGA 芯片風扇, 並且清洗風扇。

如果不能仍然固定, 設法看MainBoard 看如果任何組分brust, 譬如capaitor 。

如果失敗組分被發現了, 需要替換MainBoard!

如果失敗組分, 您不能需要再安裝XP 解決問題。在再安裝之前XP, 嘗試下載IDESCAN.exe 檢查HDD 。看見如果您的XP 碰撞了由於HDD 失敗。搜尋IDESCAN 從雅虎和下載IDESCAN.exe 版本1.0 對引導盤。解雇您的個人電腦和測試HDD 。


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