
2008-05-06 2:28 am


3.行動最實際~~ plz

回答 (4)

2008-05-06 2:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I am better than you.
1. You cannot rival me for..........
1. You are not my rival, I am better than you.
2. pedestrian A
3. Showing action is more practical.
3. It is more practical by doing rather than talking.

2008-05-06 06:55:39 補充:
1. You can not rival me for the game.
1. You can not rival me for Math.
2008-05-08 2:15 am
1.You can not beat me.
2.Passerby A
3.Action better than bosh
2008-05-06 6:38 pm
1. 你不是我的對手
Depends on what you mean.
If what you mean is just that person is not your 對手, then the English translation is : You are not my competitor.
If what you mean is that person is not capable to be your 對手, then the English transaltion is : You are incompetent to be my competitor.

2. 路人甲
Passerby A

3. 行動最實際
It is more practical to take action.
2008-05-06 2:29 am
1.You are not my competitor

2008-05-06 20:01:31 補充:
2.passer A
參考: me

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