英文 ”沒有你們的支持, 我沒有今日的成就” 點講?

2008-05-05 5:06 pm
英文 "沒有你們的支持, 我沒有今日的成就" 點講?

急! 謝謝.

回答 (5)

2008-05-05 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
講沒有,英文除了可以用without之外,外國人還喜歡用but for
還有”沒有你們的支持,我沒有今日的成就”是對已往沒有發生的事的猜想,這種情況要用:would have never + past participle的形式
I would have never had my today's achievement (but for/without) your support.
2008-05-05 9:27 pm
沒有你們的支持, 我沒有今日的成就 :
I will not have my goal accomplished today if not for your support !
參考: Myself
2008-05-05 6:25 pm
Without your support, I would not have had my achievements today.
2008-05-05 5:44 pm
沒有你們的支持, 我沒有今日的成就
Without your support, I'll never acheive my goal today.
參考: Self
2008-05-05 5:10 pm
I will never have the present achievement without the support of yours.

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