2008-05-05 9:18 am
Compound X was found to contain carbon,hydrogen and oxygen only.
It contained 62.1% carbon and 10.3% hydrogen by mass.
If the molecular mass of X was 116,
determine the empirical formula and molecular formula of X.

回答 (1)

2008-05-05 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assume there are 100 g of Compound X .
62.1 g of C , 10.3g of H , 27.6g of O
no.of moles of C =62.1 /12=5.175
no.of moles of H =10.3/1 =10.3
no.of moles of O =27.6/16=1.725
`````````````````````C ```````````````````H```````````````O
Simplest ratio = 5.175/1.725 : 10.3/125: 1.725/1.725
= 3 :6 :1
empirical formula = C3H6O

Molar mass of C3H6O =12(3) +1(6)+16=58
Let ( C3H6O)x be the molecular formula of X
( C3H6O)x = 116
58x= 116
molecular formula :C6H12O2

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