How to open Film Canister!?

2008-05-04 11:55 pm
Hello, i've been trying to do this thing and i need to open my film canister but i just don't know how to.
Help please!

回答 (5)

2008-05-05 10:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
If it's a 35mm canister, I just use a can opener. But of course, make sure you're doing this in a darkroom or with a changing bag! You can't have any light, not even a red light or safelight, until you put the film on the reel and in the tank. I'm assuming you're actually going to develop the film...otherwise a can opener and pliers will

Just pry off the flat end (the one without the spool sticking out).
2008-05-05 12:02 am
if it is from a bulk loader just hit the top part of the spool if store bought just get a bottle opener and you should be good.
2017-01-18 12:28 am
Film Canister Opener
2008-05-05 4:22 am
If you don' thave an old fashioned "churchkey" bottle opener, try smacking the canister on the countertop so that the spindle that sticks out hits first. This will often pop the other end off.
2008-05-05 12:52 am
You can use an opener made specifically for the purpose or you can use a normal bottle opener that can also poke the holes in juice cans.

It is easier to open the spools from the end without the protruding axle.
2008-05-05 12:02 am
Plyers and hammer oh and a screwdriver.

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