請問那兒有3D立體蛋糕(唔要公主, 男仔既公仔)訂呀?

2008-05-05 7:12 am
我的寶貝仔快生日, 想知道邊度有得訂!
但唔要公主款, 男仔既公仔 如: thomas, mickey, pooh, cars....etc
最好有web site 及有相睇!
thanks a lot!!

回答 (1)

2008-05-05 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. www.cakemei.com ---nice shape but not big enough even I ordered 5 lb cake
2.太子道西160A貴族 - near flower market, with many characters (23929399) -
3. 尖沙咀山林道 - 楓葉餅店 --- no photo album select but have photos around the shop
4. http://www.kiwisweets.com --- but someone said their cakes not so good...
5. http://www.fancy-cake.com
參考: my experience

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