Life is a Lemon (by Meat Loaf)
What about hope?
It's defective - it's corroded and decayed
What about faith?
It's defective - it's tattered and it's frayed
What about your Gods?
They're defective - They forgot the warranty
What about your town?
It's defective - it's a dead end street to me
What about your school?
It's defective - it's a pack of useless lies
What about your work?
It's defective - it's a crock and then you die
What about your childhood?
It's defective - it's dead and buried in the past
What about your future?
It's defective - and you can shove it up your ass!
如果想睇睇呢首Life is a lemon o既全段歌詞同埋佢o既MTV o既話, 可以去以下網址個喎:
事物「唔再」新鮮 人就會覺得生存有「危機」喇 咁咪可以大條道理咁不斷去「砌辭作惡」、「盲目追求」囉
歌詞都有話 變幻才是永恆……始終有幸, 有不幸 !!!
如果人冇經歷過失去 佢地(d神神佛佛呀)就知識你地班人唔會識失落啦
有句歌詞 不鬆手都給收走 就正正講明呢點
最後 希望你可以明白以上道理
「明白『造物弄人』o既事實, 了解「神愛世人」係謊謬o既膠理」
仲有, 睇完《金剛經》、《八大人覺經》同埋《四十二章經》o既引文之後, 我真係想早d「輪迴」呀, 希望可以早d「遠離癲倒夢想, 究竟涅盤」呀. 唔去「輪迴」, 點樣「波羅蜜多」, 點樣「到彼岸」呀? 唔該講清楚d啦下. 唔該唔好咁多「妄念」同「妄語」呀, 睇佛經同講佛傾o既大佬. 知之謂知自, 不知謂不知囉. 學季羨林先生話事齋: 「自己不懂而寫出來要讀者懂,不是缺德又是什麽呢?」
我自己覺得世事之所以要常變,是因為你的文化,你的知識豐富左,睇的事物多左, 同時我們透過歷史書的教訓,得到很大的啟示,最重要的是,我們現在擁有的東西,都是人們好幸苦,慢慢研究出來,比我們享用,我們未必做每件事都不范錯,同時我們亦轉牛角尖,但它們講比我們聽,我們會有第二條出路。
如果中國不變,你覺得會如何,我覺得當然不好,如中國上只得一個一言堂的共慘黨,你會如何,一年二年十年廿年,年年都話不要問只管信、只管做你會好共慘黨啦, 何況果個共慘黨成日有d「知否世事常變」的所謂「事實」話過你知添, 上個世紀八十年代末期果單軍隊殺平民、學生事件唔好再講啦, 講左廿狗幾年, 口都臭啦, 人都唔記得啦. 之但係, 大家仲記唔記得沙士果陣, 果個廣州市市長話d沙士係香港野過去架? 又唔記得呀? 都唔緊要啦, 香港人唔關心香港事, 都係好正常o既, 香港貴人善忘丫嘛. 咁立法會選舉呢? 特首選舉呢? 「批准」同「備案」是兩碼子的事, 識得中文o既人冇理由唔識得分呀嘩? 唔好意思, 唔記得左香港人o既中文水平係全球華人所有名的「高」添, 唔好意思....
恆久擁有,(其實你我都有,只不過「唔知道」係什麼黎之嘛了),其實這個名詞,是你痕唔痕, 你咪自然會明白自己肯唔肯去花時間去珍藏珍惜囉. 如果你唔肯,佢咪會無聲無色地走,好似「港人治港」、「高度自治」、「落實普選」咁, 香港人都唔肯理喇, 佢地咪o係你愛理不理果陣時,俾中央同埋佢班狗黎橫折曲咁光明正大地收返囉,最慘的是是你地都愛理不理. There is no winner today. The loser is Hong Kong! (呢段英文係夏佳理先生告別香港垃圾會時講o既.)
2008-05-16 06:29:27 補充:
2008-05-16 06:33:19 補充:
事物「唔再」新鮮 人就會覺得生存有「危機」喇 咁咪可以大條道理咁不斷去「砌辭作惡」、「盲目奢求」囉, 造物主最鍾意人明爭暗鬥同埋日求夜求架啦.
2008-05-16 06:37:35 補充:
重要o既野, 講多次黎強調語氣先:
What about hope?
It's defective - it is corroded and decayed
What about faith?
It is defective - it is tattered and it is frayed
What about your Gods?
They are defective - They forgot the warranty
What about your town?
It is defective - it is a dead end street to me
2008-05-16 06:38:30 補充:
What about your school?
It's defective - it's a pack of useless lies
What about your work?
It's defective - it's a crock and then you die
What about your childhood?
It's defective - it's dead and buried in the past
What about your future?
It's defective - and you can shove it up your ass!
2008-05-16 06:38:36 補充:
(Life is a lemon) Say it again (Life is a lemon)
2008-05-16 06:39:39 補充:
What about love?
It's defective - it's always breaking in half
What about sex?
It's defective - it's never built to really last
What about your family?
It's defective - all the batteries are shot
What about your friends?
They're defective - all the parts are out of stock
2008-05-16 06:39:57 補充:
What about hope?
It's defective - it's corroded and decayed
What about faith?
It's defective - it's tattered and it's frayed
What about your Gods?
They're defective - They forgot the warranty
What about your town?
It's defective - it's a dead end street to me
2008-05-16 06:40:13 補充:
What about your school?
It's defective - it's a pack of useless lies
What about your work?
It's defective - it's a crock and then you die
What about your childhood?
It's defective - it's dead and buried in the past
What about your future?
It's defective - and you can shove it up your ass!
2008-05-16 06:40:51 補充:
It's all or nothing, and nothing's all I ever get
Everytime I turn it on, I burn it up and burn it out
It's always something, there's always something going wrong
That's the only guarantee, that's what this is all about
2008-05-16 06:41:09 補充:
It's a never ending attack, everything's a lie and that's a fact
Life is a lemon and I want my money back
2008-05-16 06:41:27 補充:
And all the morons and all the stooges with their coins
They're the ones who make the rules,
It's not a game, it's just a rout
There's desperation, there's desperation in the air
It leaves a stain on all your clothes
And no detergent gets it out
2008-05-16 06:41:45 補充:
And we're always slipping thru the cracks (Slippin')
Then the movie's over, fade to black
Life is a lemon and I want my money back