
2008-05-05 2:57 am
請問港幣十萬或五十萬的一年定期存款, 哪間銀行的利息較高?

回答 (3)

2008-05-11 2:09 pm
If you are interested in investment or savings, you may send your contact to [email protected] for an appointment of financial planning. I am a licensed financial planning manager in a top notch financial group (not an insurance company) which consists of three listing companies. So I think I may give you some advice.

Or you may simply e-mail me your phone number so that we can have a casual chat.
2008-05-07 11:34 pm
其實,若 看好人民幣升值兼賺 3 至 4 厘息 ,在內地開戶最化算
而透過香港的小找換店, 就很方便及便宜地匯出匯入啦
先到大陸開戶,-- 建設` 工商` 農業`及中國銀行
是中國四大銀行, 全國最多分行.
例如: 定三個月, 可選擇自動續期,
中途若急需提款, 可選擇提取一部份的存款, 這計簿仔利息, 剩下來的, 則繼續享有三個月的息率, 不過這定期之內提取存款, 則要全部提取, 當然可以將剩餘的再立即存入. 至於, 為方便 消費及提款,, 申請一張提款卡, 年費十元
注意: 開戶要用回鄉証 ``內地住址``電話,, 我就用親戚的, 因作聯絡用.
2008-05-05 11:22 pm
建設 ------2.45%
大新-------2% 每十万送二百元 +same amount 存一個月+3%

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