Oxidizing/Reducing agent

2008-05-05 2:34 am
可唔可以教下我點樣可以容易分別Oxidizing agent同Reducing agent
例如係依條度:Fe(s) + Cu 2+ (aq) -----> Fe 2+(aq) + Cu(s)
點樣分同解釋一下@@ 中英無所謂最緊要我明^_^

回答 (2)

2008-05-05 4:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cu 2+ + 2 e- ---->Cu (reduction )
Oxidation number decreases from +2 to 0

Fe ------->Fe 2+ + 2e- (oxidation )
Oxidation number increases from 0 to +2.
The reactant which causes oxidation is oxidizing agent . (Cu 2+ )
The reactant which causes reduction is reducing agent. (Fe )

首先,分左邊隻野 做 oxidation 同reduction 先..
跟住..,,佢隔離果隻就係令佢進行 oxidation /reduction
所以, 係 oxidizing agent /reducing agent.

‧ o‧●╔╦╗ ╔╦╗ ╔╦╗ ╔╦╗○‧o‧
‧o‧○╠希╣.╠望╣.╠幫╣.╠到╣你 啦~● ‧o‧
‧o‧●╚╩╝ ╚╩╝ ╚╩╝ ╚╩╝○ ‧o‧
╭╯╰╮ ﹒☆☆.﹒☆‧∴﹒☆.
2008-05-05 4:12 am
i will use english to explain, i hope you can understand^^"

oxidizing agent "always" lose electrons, this process is called reduction.

reducing agent "always" gain electrons, this process is called oxidation.

If you want to distinglish, just count their oxidation number is ok~

Use your example:Fe-->Fe 2+ +2e- Fe 's oxidation number increases from 0 to +2, so Fe is a reducing agent.
Cu 2+ +2e- -->Cu Cu 's oxidation number decreases from +2 to 0, so Cu 2+ is a oxidizing agent.

Give you a summery:
1.all metals
2.all halides(GroupVII ions)
3.SO2 , SO3 2-
4.Fe 2+(sometimes change to Fe 3+ but sometimes to Fe)

1.all metal ions
2.all halogens
4.MnO4-, Cr2O7 2-
參考: by myself

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