URGENT HELP - How can I change my IP address

2008-05-04 11:43 am
I am using i-cable broadband

And I cannot arrive to another forum with the below message

"對不起,您的 IP 地址不在被允許的範圍內,或您的賬號被禁用,無法訪問本論壇。"

I dont know the reson and I just browsed it few days ago.

I have tried the following methods but problem still cannot be solved...

~~~I have tried the software "ipchanger" =>>> seems doesnt work...

~~~And also tried to get a new ip from the cmd but have some problem!!!

1. 按“開始”按鈕-->執行-->再按cmd進入。

2. 輸入ipconfig/release (釋放IP)。=>>>occur a nessage"要求的作業系統需要提高的權限"=>>>I am using window vista & router, Broadband is i-cable, so what can I do???

3. 輸入ipconfig/renew (重新拿取IP)。=>>>"要求的作業系統需要提高的權限" AGAIN

~~~Also tried to reboot my router =>>>Problem still cannot be solved...


回答 (1)

2008-05-19 11:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
This easy to use tool lets you change your IP anytime by routing your Internet traffic through overseas servers. A small dropdown box appears on your Internet browser toolbar with a list of 15 foreign countries. Select one and your IP address will change so that you appear to be located in that country. You can quickly jump back and forth between the 15 locations around the world.



IP address options are arranged alphabetically by country. Choose any country and you are instantly given an IP address in that country. When surfing websites where you are not concerned about displaying your IP, you can simply select "Clear" for your regular Internet connection (see images below).


It is a very simple matter for website operators, ISP's, spammers, hackers, and others to determine your IP address, your ISP location, and more.

Your IP Address:

Your ISP:
Using such information, a hacker could attempt to break into your computer, websites could keep records of your visits, and tracking software could map a path to your geographic location. Some bulletin board type websites even display your IP address for public view when you post a message.
However, when you use the IP Address Changer, the information available to websites that you visit is altered (IP address, ISP server, and country location). Your IP address will appear to be located in any of the following countries:
Country selections as of May 15, 2008: (changes occassionally)
Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Netherlands (Holland), Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States (3 locations across the U.S. including West Coast, Midwest, and East Coast), PLUS 15 other random IP locations

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 02:09:56
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