English class questions

2008-05-04 4:34 am
Changes to regulations on recycling and a demand for raw materials have combined to push up worth in the business of rubbish

Rust, junk and bent metal are proving a rich seam for scrap merchants, who have become millionaires thanks to soaring metal prices and tightening of rules on recycling.

The typical British scrap merchant is now an affluent businessmen, the cart and horse abandoned in favour of a Bentley Turbo. Dealers' yards now contain high-tech salvage machines capable of stripping a car down to its components in seconds.

The largest scrap metal merchant in the UK is worth a staggering pounds 1.1 billion and family-owned firms across the country are being inundated with buyout offers from ambitious rivals and private equity groups.

回答 (2)

2008-05-09 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. What has changed to help the value of rubbish rise?
Recycling regulations and demand for raw materials.

Q2. The article characterizes a typical British scrap merchant as being...
wealthy and successful.

Q3. European directives on recycling have boosted...
the scrap industry.

Q4. What role does China play in the British scrap industry?

Its demand for materials increases profits.
參考: eng-class answer
2008-05-11 5:50 pm

2008-05-11 09:50:43 補充:

2008-05-11 09:50:50 補充:
very good

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